Wednesday 8 February 2012

Airey House Repairs

An Airey house has a concrete panels on the exterior and behind the concrete panels are vertical concrete posts with a steel support in the middle, over a period of time the steel support inside the concrete posts on some houses started to corrode thus the house potentially losing its structural integrity.

In the early eighties local authorities started to repair their stock of Airey houses, many local authorities used the Halifax approved scheme which fundamentally was the repair to the three outer walls. Either removing the concrete posts and replacing with block and brick or putting block work between the posts taking the load from the post on to the new block and brick work.

In 1985 following the introduction of PRC Homes Ltd, a company set up to approve license repair schemes for houses made from Pre Reinforced Concrete, the license approved repair scheme for an Airey house had to also include the removal of the posts in the spine/party wall.

Many local authorities did not see the need to complete works to the spine/party wall and carried on using the Halifax approved scheme.

Retrospective Completion Certificates can be issued for this repair however not all lenders recognise this repair system.

For more information on Retrospective PRC Completion Certificates please visit our dedicated website or our main website

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